"Being a writer is like having homework every night for the rest of your life." – Lawrence Kasdan


I will say that I am terrible at backing up my hard drive. I know that I should do it more often than I do and one day I will be sobbing on the floor in frustration when I have to recreate documents lost to a failure. I do have a couple DVDs backed up in September but I operate on an - as remember - basis. Gmail's been getting my bits and pieces of story lately. Still, I really just need to get better at execution. My homework, in addition to writing, will be to throw a RW CD in the drive and just set it off for my writing folder every night.

Things that distracted me on the internet today:

~ #writing on twitter. TweetDeck goes off every 2 - 3 seconds and it's a great big shiny that sends me off in a hundred different directions. It also gave me the above quote which is just fab.
~ Amazon Fresh. Being in the Seattle area has its perks and inexpensive grocery delivery is about as good as it gets. Since the husband is unmotivated to pick up the grocery shopping duties again (and frankly, blows the budget every.time.), I kneel at the feet of the person who made this happen.

Non-internet distractions:

~ Confession: I am a world of warcraft player and I just finished my year long quest for a sweet looking purple drake to fly around on (super fast I might add). With that achievement out of the way, I can focus on others that I put on the back burner and that's what I've been doing. Instead of scene outlining. Bad. But fun.


~ Re-entered character bios for the NaNo novel coming up. Not only do I need to remember to back up, hitting the save button before a power failure happens is wise.

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